Climate Change and Health Equity Presentation
VTCHA has been teaming up with the Vermont Department of Public Health and the Vermont Public Health Association on a presentation about the impacts that climate change is already
having on vulnerable Vermonters. We have given this talk at hospitals, conferences, and other venues across the state. If you're interested in learning whether this talk is a fit for your organization, send an email to
Film and Panel Discussion Series
VTCHA has been teaming up with other climate change groups and VT legisators in setting up evenings that combine film showings with panel discussions. The panels focus on the current policy discussions happening here in Vermont. If you'd be interesting in working with us to set up an evening in your town, send an email to contact@vtch,org
2020 Visit to the State House
VTCHA will spend the day on March 12th at the Vermont State House talking with legislators about the impacts of climate change on Vermonters' health. In collaboration with the Vermont Medical Society, the Vermont Public Health Association, the Vermont Chapter of the American Nurses Association and the the Vermont Veterinary Medicinal Association, one topic we will focus on are the many health benefits of home energy improvements programs.
You read about those benefits here.