About Us

We are Vermont physicians, nurses, therapists, veterinarians, researchers, aides, and other medical/health professionals who share a deep concern about climate change and its impacts on our patients, our children, our communities, and our planet. We have joined together in response to a deepening conviction that, left unaddressed, climate change will become an immensely powerful threat to Vermont communities,
and to rest of the world.
Like many of you, our families and our jobs keep us very busy in an increasingly busy world.
Like many of you, we have been sitting on the sidelines hoping that government and business would begin to move at the pace required.
That is not happening.
We have decided that it is time to make our voices heard.
Our mission is to use our expertise to inform the public and our lawmakers about the effects of climate change on human and animal health. We will use this information to support our urgent call to convert all energy use from fossil fuels to renewable sources as quickly as possible. Time is of the essence.
We are a home-grown Vermont based group.
We are people in your local community who care about your health,
and the health of the ones you love.
We are grateful for the support we have received from individual donors,
the High Meadows Fund and the New England Grassroots Environment Fund.
Please join us by signing this Letter to the Legislature.